Microalgae Bank

We control and grow algae strains for targeted purposes.

Exclusive Algae Archive

The microalgae bank

There are thousands of types of microalgae, and they are very different from each other. Physiological properties, habitat, growth rate, and macromolecular components vary from algae to algae.

We manage a large number of algae strains. In addition to wild-type strains isolated from nature, we have also acquired special strains from research experiments conducted at Bosphorus University and from our own in-house experiments. These strains form our vast “algae library.”  We control and grow algae strains for targeted purposes.

In addition, we have unique and highly confidential internal strains that are only found in our company.

Just like other agricultural products, seaweed can be grown through livestock farming; Most microalgae are single-celled and take only a few hours a day for cell division.

Get in Touch with MicroAlgaex

We’d love to hear from you! If you have any questions, suggestions, or want to learn more about our algae-based biostimulants, please feel free to reach out to us.